Tone Analysis

Accurately detects the tone of any given text.



This task involves a comprehensive analysis of the provided text to identify its tone. It encompasses more than 20 detectable tones, such as humorous, serious, sarcastic, empathetic, optimistic, informative, and persuasive.


This task is designed to detect tone in any given text or document.

How to use the task

Enter the text you wish to analyze for tone. The task will identify and return the detected tone.

First Version
First version
VersionAI ModelCreatedLink


The REST API allows you to call the tool with the same costs as when running the tool. Please generate an Personal access token before using the REST API.


  • text (Your text): Enter the text you would like to analyze for tone.
  • Call the REST API by cURL
    curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN"!
  • Install the package with pip
    python3 -m pip install anysolve
  • Run in python3
    import os
    from anysolve import AnySolve
    anysolve_token = os.environ.get('ANYSOLVE_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN') # Resolve your personal access token here
    client = AnySolve(anysolve_token)
    res ='u-806494eb1fbfb39f-tone-analysis','1.0.1', {'text': 'I want to quit now!'})
  • Coming soon: Within AnySolve ChatComplete prompts you can use the following command to execute the task:
    /run('u-806494eb1fbfb39f-tone-analysis','1.0.1', text='I want to quit now!')

Task infos

Author: AnySolve
Status: Published
Version: 1.0.1
Runs: 10 times
Favorites: 0
Average costs: 3 Credits (0.004 EUR)
Created: 22.07.2023